3 Secrets To Finally Overcome Procrastination:
Even If You’ve Tried Every Trick In The Book
Sign up for the free on-demand training and discover:
My proven 3 part formula to help you get “unstuck” and take action
How to build a toolbox so you can finally finish the tasks that have been on your to-do list forever
Simple self-talk techniques to shift your mindset, reduce stress, and manage your chronic overwhelm
Procrastination doesn’t just mean missing deadlines, overflowing laundry piles, or paying late fees.
Procrastination also means shame, guilt, embarrassment, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and all of those uncomfortable feelings that come along with it.
You want to do it all. You feel like you “should” be able to do it all - but at the exact same time you’re paralyzed & unable to start.
In my 10 years of coaching, I’ve worked with clients who have tried over, and over, and over again to use tools & strategies that don’t work for them because they didn’t have the time, energy, or resources to figure out what would work for them.
The good news is that you can find tools and strategies that work with your brain, help you overcome procrastination, and start feeling empowered and confident when you tackle your to-do list.
Discover the 3 secrets to get unstuck!
Here’s What People Are Saying
"I still use the worksheets to this day. I loved the group [forum]; I was able to go in there and get ideas from the other people doing the program as well, but also to ask Sarah specific questions and get guidance and tools and strategies for my specific issue that I was having in my business or day-to-day life."
“Sarah’s thoroughness, intuitiveness and humor was comforting from the start. Sarah guides you through this process in a way that feels right. It’s not overwhelming and I believe that is a reflection on her ability to sense what strategies will suit you and your lifestyle resulting in successfully reaching your goals.”
“The discussion on task switching depending on energy levels was the ‘aha’ moment for me. I can now recognize what I need to do in the moment where in the past I tended to feel ‘stuck.’”
“I got a lot of useful techniques to incorporate into my routines, as well as mindset shifts by being patient with myself through better understanding my ADHD. My favorite part was how Sarah listens and helps walk you through your challenges with gentle guidance. Highly recommend her coaching program!”